Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted,

content on this site is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License







  - Atlas Geográfico / Mapa Mundi / Mapas Varios - (Maps)

  - Civilizaciones - (Civilizations)

  - Exopolítica - (Exopolitic)

  - Genética - (Genetic)

  - Investigadores - (Researchers)

  - Las Traducciones de Adela Kaufmann

  - La Tierra - (The Earth)

  - Libros, Tratados e Informes - (Books, Treaties, Reports)

  - Leyendas / Mitos - (Legends / Myths)


  - Misticismo - Evolución - (Misticism - Evolution)

  - Neo-Arqueología - (Neo-Archeology)

  - Neo-Astronomía - (Neo-Astronomy)

  - Nueva Visión de La Salud - (A New Vision of Health)

  - Paraciencia - (Parascience)

  - Pleyades - (Pleiades)

  - Profecías - (Prophecies)

  - Sociopolítica - (Sociopolitics)

  - Vida Alienígena - (Alien Life)




Subir - Up








Conjuntos de archivos definidos como "Archivo Principal" o "Main File" en este Sitio Web.

Groups of files named "Main File" on this Web Site.



en Área "Las Pleyades" - (Pleiades)

El Libro de Los Pleyadianos

La Sección de Preston Nichols y Peter Moon

Los Escritores Pleyadianos - B.Marciniak, B.Hand Clow, P.Nichols, P.Moon...




en Área "Neo-Arqueología" - (Neo-Archeology)

Abydos and its Unusual Archeological Site

Ancient and Modern Megaliths

Archaeological Cover-ups A plot to Control History?

Australia - Continent of Contrasts

Baalbek - Un Misterio...

Construcciones Piramidales en el Mundo

Cueva de Los Tayos and The Metal Library, The

El Tzolkin Maya

Esferas de Costa Rica

Forbidden Archeology - The Hidden History of the Human Race

La Esfinge de Giza - Últimos Descubrimientos

La Gran Pirámide y Sus Secretos

La Tierra de Kem (Egipto)

La Tumba de Pacal

Líneas de Nazca

Malta - Island of the Giants

Mensajes de Civilizaciones Andinas y Americanas

Mohenjo Daro - la Desaparición de Una Ciudad

Piedras de Ica

Rapa Nui - La Isla de Pascua

Sumeria y Los Anunnaki


The Antikythera Artifact

The Discoveries of David Hatcher Childress

Yonaguni - El Edificio mas Antiguo del Mundo




en Área "Neo-Astronomía" - (Neo-Astronomy)

Agujeros Negros en Nuestra Galaxia

Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites

Brown Dwarfs

Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol

Carl Sagan

Comet 73 Deep Impact 2006

"Comet" Elenin

Comet NEAT


Deep Impact Mission

El Cinturón de Fotones - The Photon Belt

Hale Bopp - A Sign of the Times

Hollow Planets

La Luna - Fenómenos Actuales No Explicados

La Teoría del Planeta Oscuro

Marte - Los Ultimos Descubrimientos y sus Interpretaciones

Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt

Nibiru - El Planeta X  ó  Hercolobus

Richard C. Hoagland

Robert Harrington and Planet X

Robertino Solarion

Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet

Sirius - La Estrella Azul

Solar Storms and Earth's Electric Grid

The Cygnus Mystery

The Electric Universe

The Message of The Pulsars

The Moons of Our Solar System

The Nemesis Theory

Thunderbolts of the Gods




en Área "Nueva Visión de la Salud" -

(A New Vision of Health)

A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry

Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal Engaño

Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off

Bioenergética - La Medicina del Futuro

Energy and Health - La Energia y La Salud

Esencias Florales - Energía de la Naturaleza

Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable?

Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan

La Derrota del Cancer - The Defeat of Cancer

Miracle Mineral Supplement - Milagroso Suplemento Mineral

Sodium Bicarbonate Treatments

The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - La Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría

The Defeat of Cancer - La Derrota del Cancer

Una Panacea llamada Orinoterapia




en Área "Sociopolítica" - (Sociopolitics)

A Different View of 'The Holocaust' - Una Vision Diferente del 'Holocausto'

AIDS - Man-Made

Alternative 3 - The Saga Lives On

An Octopus Named Wackenhut

A Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger

Área 51

A Short History of The Round Table - Cecil Rhodes and Secret Societies

Astronauts and Apollo's Missions

Australia - Continent of Contrasts

Black Budgets and Black Projects

Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc. - The Privatization of War

Brotherhoods and Secret Societies

Buddhism and The Kalachakra System

Chinese Secret Societies

CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency

Control Mental - Archivos Varios

David G. Guyatt and His Research

David Icke - Trabajo e Investigaciones

Denver International Airport and its Murals

Depopulation of Planet Earth


Dulce Base

El Control Global de La Comida

¿El Fin de La Internet?

El Negocio del Oro-Azul - Privatización Global del Agua

EndGame - JuegoFinal

Facebook and The Internet

False Flag Operations

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

Fritz Springmeier And His Work

Galileo and Cassini Space Probes makers of... The Lucifer Project

Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Twentieth Century And After...

Global Banking System, The

Global Food Control

Globalization - The Octopus of the New World Order

Global Militarism

Global Upraising

Gold for Humans and Others...

Google and The Internet

I.G. Farben - The International Farben Cartel

Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?

JuegoFinal - EndGame

Khazar - The Thirteenth Tribe

La Oscura Historia del Vaticano


Le Cercle

Los Archivos de William Cooper - The William Cooper Files

Los Illuminati

Lucis (Lucifer) Trust

Martial Law in USA?

Masons and Knights Templars

Merovingios - Los Reyes Perdidos

Michael Topper and His Work

Mind Control

MJ-12 Inside Revelations - Dr. Michael Wolf

MK-Ultra - The Monarch Project

Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death

New World Order - Novus Ordo Mundi

Noam Chomsky - Contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial

Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound"

Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era?

Operation Gladio - NATO's Secret Wars

Osama Bin Laden and The 9-11 Events

Pine Gap - Australian 'Area 51'

Ponerology - The Science of Evil

Project Blue Book

Project Hammer - Covert Finance and the Parallel Economy

Proyecto Revelación - The Disclosure Project

Project SERPO


Reports Related to Saddam Hussein

Revelations From Ex-Illuminati - Satanism and Mind Control...

Rockefeller Internationalism


SIDA - Hecho Por El Hombre

Space Shuttle Coverup & True Story Report

Tavistock Institute

The 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's Financial System

The 9/11 Events

The Actual Iran Case - The Beginning of World War III?

The AUM Supreme Truth Sect (AUM Shinrikyo)

The Aviary

The Bilderberg Group

The Black Nobility

The Blue Brethren

The Blue-Gold Business  - Globalization of Water Privatization

The Bohemian Grove

The Bushes and The New World Order

The Bush Impeachment Movement

The Carlyle Group

The Clintons - America Politics

The Club of Rome

The Committee of 300

The Controlled Global Education - La Educacion Global Controlada

The Controversial Case of David Booth

The Council on Foreign Relations member of The Shadow Government

The Dragon Court

The Elite's Drug Management

The Federal Reserve Bank

The Global Banking System

The Global Elite

The Global Media Control

"The Family"

The Future and Beyond

The Holy Inquisition

The House of Rothschild

The Killing of Science - Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide

The Majestic Project / MJ-12

The Most Noble Order of The Garter

The New Age Movement

The Nexus Seven

The North America Union

The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency

The Occult Reptilian Saga

The Order of The Skull & Bones

The Pilgrims Society

The Priory of Sion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Secret Government

The Secret History of America’s Capital - Washington D.C.

The Sociopolical 'Discoveries' of Benjamin Fulford

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta

The Thule Society

The Trilateral Commission

The United Nations - The Ultimate Delusion

The Vril Society

Underground Anomalous Constructions

Valdamar Valerian y Matrix

Vatican-Pope and The New World Order

Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation

'War on Terror'

White (Solar) Brotherhood

WikiLeaks - International New Media Non-Profit Organization

Zbigniew Brzezinski and The Trilateral Commission


Zion and The 9-11 Events

Zonas Off-limits - Area 51, Dulce, Pine Gap




en Área "Vida Alienígena" - (Alien Life)

Abductions and Abductees

Alien Mind-A Primer - The Verdants

Aliens Among Us

Books od The Earth Chronicles Series

Branton - Bruce Alan DeWalton

Charles Hall and the Tall Whites ETs

Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message', The

Clifford Stone - and Alien Races

Comandante Clomro

Contact and Contactees

Diferentes Tipologías de Extraterrestres

Different Typologies of Extraterrestrials


Earth and Celestial Conflicts

Eduard Albert Meier and The Plejaren

Effects On Humanity by Manipulative Extraterrestrials

Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Galactic Diplomacy

Galactic Federations and Councils

Galactic History

George Green

George LoBuono and Aliens

Hacedores de Alas - The WingMakers

Jacques F. Vallee

John E. Mack - Alien Abductions Research

Las Obras de Andreas Faber-Kaiser

Life in The Universe

Life on Mars

Los Casiopeos y Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Lyssa Royal and Galactic Information

Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases

Neil Freer

Philip Gardiner

Project SERPO

Revelaciones y Reveladores del Gran Secreto del Cosmos

Richard C. Hoagland

Rick Martin

Sean David Morton


Steven M. Greer and Disclosure

Sumeria y los Anunnaki

The Andromeda Connection

The Anunnaki

The Archons - Los Arcontes

The Cassiopaeans and Laura Knight-Jadczyk

The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly in Ufology

The Lam

The Message of The Pulsars

The Occult Reptilian Saga

The Research of Amitakh Stanford

The Watchers - Nephilim

The WingMakers - Hacedores de Alas

The Work of Gerry Zeitlin

The Work of Zecharia Sitchin

The Zeta Reticuli Incident

Vida en El Universo

Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth

Zonas Off-limits - Area 51, Dulce, Pine Gap

en Área "Atlas Geográfico/Mapa Mundi/Mapas Varios"

Maps - Past, Present and Eventual Futures




en Área "Civilizaciones" - (Civilizations)

Col. James Churchward y el Continente de Mu

Egipto - La Tierra de Kem

La Atlántida

La Lemuria

Los Dogones

Los Dogu

Los Dropa

Los Hopi

Los Navajos

Mensajes de Civilizaciones Andinas y Americanas

Sumeria y los Anunnaki

The Discoveries of David Hatcher Childress




en Área "Exopolítica" - (Exopolitic)

About Michael Sokolov

Alien Mind-A Primer - The Verdants

Alternative 3 - The Saga Lives On

Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean - NATO’s Secret UFO Assessment and Setting the Record Straight


Ed Komarek Exopolitical Files

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?

Exopolitical Files - Ed Komarek

Exopolitical Files - Steven M. Greer

Exopolitics and Michael E. Salla

Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation

First Contact

Galactic Diplomacy

Galactic Federations and Councils

Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Twentieth Century And After...

Michael Sokolov

President Ronald Reagan - Above Top Secret Exopolitical Information

Preston Nichols y Peter Moon

The Council of Nine

The Disclosure Project

The Mars Records

The Middle East Exopolitical Saga

The Nexus Seven

The Research of Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Saga of John Lear

The Work of Zecharia Sitchin




en Área "Genética" - (Genetic)

Genetically Engineered Foods


Indigo Children - Crystalline Children

Los Cambios Genéticos

Origen de la Vida y del Hombre

The Starchild Project




en Área "La Tierra" - (The Earth)

Antarctica y La Teoria de La Tierra Hueca

Climate Changes

Earth Changes

El Mapa Oculto de la Tierra

El Triangulo de Las Bermudas

Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience

La Hipótesis de Gaia

Robert Morning Sky

Tsunamis and Earthquakes




en Área "Leyendas/Mitos/Profecías/Predicciones" -



ALTA Process Predictions - HalfPastHuman and Clif High

Creation Myths of Civilizations

ENUMA ELISH - The Epic Of Creation

Flood Mythology

Gigantes - Mitos y Leyendas

Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt

Nostradamus - Michel de Notredame

Profecías, Predicciones y El Futuro

Prophecies, Predictions and The Future

The Book of Enoch - El Libro de Enoc

The Kolbrin

The Malachy Prophesy and The Popes

The Watchers - Nephilim

Thoth-Hermes - Ningishzidda - Quetzalcoatl




en Área "Misticismo-Evolución" - (Misticism-Evolution)

Atlas de Lugares Sagrados Alrededor del Mundo

Buddhism and The Kalachakra System

Carla Rueckert and The RA Material

Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan's Teachings


Ciencia Real

El Material de Seth

El Proceso de La Ascensión-Transformación-Evolución

Global Religion - La Religion Global

Gods and Religions on Planet Earth

Gregg Braden y Su Mensaje

Katharoi - Los Cátaros

Laurence Gardner

La Verdadera Historia de los Nazarenos y la Biblia

Lobsang Rampa, T. - New Age Trailblazer


Que es "SAS-SAO" - What is "STS-STO"

RA - The Material and The Law Of One

Ratzinger a.k.a. Pope Benedict XVI

The Anti-Christ

The Archons - Los Arcontes

The Ascension-Transformation-Evolution Process

The Dark History of The Vatican

The Da Vinci Code

The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials

"The Family"

The Holy Inquisition

The Jesuits

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Piso Family and the Story of The Bible

The Scrolls of the Dead Sea - Los Papiros del Mar Muerto

The Shift of The Ages

Vatican-Pope and The New World Order

What is "STS-STO" - Que es "SAS-SAO"

White (Solar) Brotherhood




en Área "Paraciencia" - (Parascience)

A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry

AIDS - Man-Made

Airplanes - The Modern Past

Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth"...

Ancient and Modern Megaliths

Ancient Atomic Warfare

Ancient Hi Tech Evidence - The Modern Past

Ancient Manuscripts and Treatises

Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites

Astronauts and Apollo's Missions

Atmospheric 'Phenomena'?

Atomic Power and the Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons

Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off

Biochip Implants

Blue Beam - The uncovert Project

Carlo Dorofatti - A Free Researcher

Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation

Channelers and Channeled Information


Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message', The

Ciencia Real

Círculos en Los Cultivos

Climate Changes

Comet 73 Deep Impact 2006 - by Eric Julien

Courtney Brown and Remote Viewing

Cráneos Insólitos

Dan Burisch and Project Lotus

Dan Winter y La Ciencia de La Implosion

Darwinism - A Dying Dogma

David Bohm y El Paradigma Holografico

David Icke and Consciousness

Deep Impact Mission

Dimensions and Hyperdimensions

Earth Changes

Edgar Cayce - Un Gran Visionario

El Genio de Nikola Tesla

El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones

El Manuscrito Voynich

El Triangulo de Las Bermudas

El Universo de Giordano Bruno

El Universo de La Nueva Fisica

Energy and Health - La Energia y La Salud

Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering

Fuerzas del Universo

Galactic Superwave - Paul LaViolette

Galileo and Cassini Space Probes makers of... The Lucifer Project

Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others

Geometría Sagrada

German Disc Aircrafts (1922-1945 and Beyond)

Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Twentieth Century And After...

Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience

Gravity and Antigravity

Herejías En La Ciencia

Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons

Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects


Immanuel Velikovsky

Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation

Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?

Ingo Swann

Interplanetary 'Day After Tomorrow?'

La Ciencia Real

La Derrota del Cancer - The Defeat of Cancer

La Memoria del Agua

Las Ondas Shumman

La Singularidad

La Teoría de La Tierra Hueca

Los Proyectos HAARP y ROTHR

Magnetic Poles Changes

Mapas de Piri Reis


Michael Topper and His Work

Miracle Mineral Supplement - Milagroso Suplemento Mineral

Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death

Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases


Multidimensionalidad - Multidimensionality


Mystery Space Machines of John Lenard Walson - Strange Things Above


Noel Huntley - Buscador de La Verdad

Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound"

Oil Industry - Producers of Energy and Disasters

Organic Portals

Orgone Energy and Wilhelm Reich

Origen de la Vida y del Hombre

Oro Monoatómico - White Gold

Project Mannequin and James Casbolt


Purple Energy Plates


Rupert Sheldrake - Los Campos Morfogeneticos

Scalar Electromagnetics Technology

SIDA - Hecho Por El Hombre

Sodium Bicarbonate Treatments

Solar Storms and Earth's Electric Grid


Synchronicity - The Key of Destiny

Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans


Terraforming and Planetary Engineering

The Antikythera Artifact

The Astral Plane

The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - La Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría

The Defeat of Cancer - La Derrota del Cancer

The Discoveries of David Hatcher Childress

The Divine Cosmos - A Breathtaking New View of Reality

The Future and Beyond

The Holographic Universe

The Human Brain

The Investigations and Discoveries of Valery Uvarov

The Investigations of Leonard G. Horowitz

The Killing of Science - Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide

The Modern Past - Ancient Hi Tech Evidence

The New Energy

The Psychic Universe

The Red Rain of Kerala

The Saga of Flying Objects - Present and Past

The Saga of John Lear

The Science of Oneness

The Singularity

The Tunguska Events

The Unconventional Views of James M. McCanney

The Work of David Pratt

The Work of Gerry Zeitlin

The Work of Tom Bearden

Time Travel

Tim Rifat and PSI Science

Tom Bearden and The New Energy

UFO Information from Command Sergeant Major Robert O.Dean

Valdamar Valerian and Matrix


Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation

Visión Remota - La Ultima Frontera

Weather Warfare

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

William Henry

Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates

Zero-Point Energy












Subir - Up